| 630-340-0534
4260 Westbrook Drive, Suite 101, Aurora, IL 60504

LEGO Robotics (Ages 9-14 years)
Classes | Camps
LEGO Math, Engg. and Robotics
(Ages 4-8 years)
Classes | Camps
Robotics 101 Curriculum: Introduction to Robotics
(Taught by more than one qualified instructors)
Learn to design robots
Understand the components used to build robots.
Understand the functionality of sensors using sound, touch and light
Each child would get hands on experience building a robot
Understand programming concepts and logic. Write programs to make the robot perform certain tasks and missions
Children would work in teams with emphasis on communication, group discussions, collaboration and coopertition
The session with culminate with demos and/or competition amongst themselves
Robotics 201 Curriculum: Intermediate Robotics
Prerequisite: Robotics 101 or similar experience designing, building and programming robots using NXT or EV3
Total hands on activities to design and build robots for several missions
Advanced programming
Advanced robot design and building
Complex missions
Children would work in teams with emphasis on communication, group discussions, collaboration and coopertition
The session with culminate with final team presentation
Camp: We conduct camps for robotics during school breaks and summer vacation. Subscribe to our newsletter or contact for more information.
This class focuses on STEM based learning. In this class students act as real engineers as they go through the problem solving process: they plan, build, test and evaluate
Students make models with LEGO DUPLO, such as a seesaw, rolling vehicle, spinning top, raft, and many more. By playing with and manipulating the models, children experience and learn about simple machines like pulleys, levers, gears, and wheels and axles.
Team work would engage the students to build a solid foundation for problem solving.
Camp: We conduct camps for LEGO - Simple Machines during school breaks and summer vacation. Subscribe to our newsletter or contact for more information.
School: We offer LEGO - Simple Machines classes at several local Preschools. Contact us if you would like us to have this class at your school.